Christmas can be a difficult time of year for many people; mums and dads trying to balance the books, people who live alone, retail workers and small businesses who need to earn as much as they can to survive in the New Year.
Let's not forget the new grandparents who don't have a clue! As a newish grandparent I learned last year that the age information on the suitability of toys is not always accurate. My beloved grandson stuck his tongue in the moving parts of a Thomas the Tank Engine which was for 3+ but was bored after 10 minutes with a toy for age 2+. I'm not sure I've learned a lesson and Dave certainly hasn't - he just buys things he would like and uses our kid as an excuse!
This year I had the pleasure of going to see the kid's Christmas performance at kindy. Apologies to all the other parents and grandparents who have my bum in all their photos as I chased my beloved around - although he was an enthusiastic clapper at the other kids' performances. He just likes doing what the big kids do like run around and go on the slide. And as for Santa - he's not that keen at the moment!

Wishing you and yours and all my lovely clients a wonderful Christmas no matter what it looks like - it's only one day a year thank goodness.
